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Photo of Margaret “Midge” Taschner, nee Steinbach

Margaret “Midge” Taschner, nee Steinbach

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Our condolences to Midge’s family.

Shared by ralph & nina blumenthal

Our condolences and deepest sympathy to Midge's family. Midge and I were co-workers at the LaGrange Hospital. She always had a lighthearted spirit and a contagious smile. After our families were joined through marriage of our children we became even closer and enjoyed various functions like Christmas brunches and birthday celebrations. She will be greatly missed as a Wife, Mother, Mother-in-Law, Grandmother and Friend.

Shared by rick & cindy klein

My condolences to Midge's family. I knew Midge many years ago, in my teens. We worked together and went on double dates. Im so sorry for your loss.

Shared by brigitte winkler