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Quote Policy

At Hitzeman Funeral Home, Ltd., we have a quote policy.

Properly sited Bible quotes are acceptable.

You must have express written permission from the author/publisher of the quote, poem, passage, and/or lyric entitling you and specifically Hitzeman Funeral Home, Ltd.; to publish or reprint such quote.

If proper authorization cannot be obtained, the quote, poem, passage, and/or song lyrics may not be posted on our website or published in a condolence, a prayer card, or memorial card.

While it has not been widely publicized that funeral homes have been involved in litigations between author/publishers regarding the usage of their written works, it is occurring. Our associations have legally advised us of this growing societal trend and to take caution, inform and protect the families that we serve.

We do not have the resources to investigate each individual quote, poem, lyric, or passage that is presented to us. If you are willing to obtain proper authorization to reproduce, we are more than willing to publish such works.

Certain works are considered public domain, depending on age, date of publication, and date of death of writer. However, this information must be provided to us prior to our publishing his/her work. This only pertains to the United States published compositions.

You may choose to send the written work to the family via email or mail. This will alleviate further research, authorizations, or verification status. If needed, we can forward an email or a letter on your behalf.

Thank you for your understanding.