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Photo of Frederick W. Grosskopf

Frederick W. Grosskopf

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I always thought of Mr. and Mrs. Grosskopf (as I called them in jr high and high school) as a second set of parents. Camping with the family in the late ‘70s was such a great time. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Ardy, as well as the entire family. Much love, Leeann

Shared by leeann wille

Oh, I’m so sorry to hear this sad news. I enjoyed conversing with Fred when he’d stop in at the La Grange Library, after we were no longer immediate neighbors — and he and Ardy were both such kind neighbors. He was sweet and interesting and I can hear the tune he’d always whistle when he worked in the yard. Our condolences to Ardy and the children.

Shared by noël zethmayr jones

I did not get to spend as much time getting to know Fred as I would have liked but he had a way of making you feel like he knew you forever. Kindness radiated from him. We just really connected a few years ago working on the family tree. He had a passion for it. I am sure he will be missed by so many. Sue Ward

Shared by susan ward

We are so sorry to hear of Fred’s passing but know is already smiling (as always) in Heaven! He and Ardy were always such wonderful friends to our parents Hugs!

Shared by cathie opila

Dear Ardy and Family, We are so sad to learn of the loss of one of the dearest men in the world. And the best next door neighbor ever. Our love and condolences to you all. The Ferrario

Shared by nancy ferrario

I have known Fred since 1969 when we worked together at Ill. Bell. We sat nearby each other in an office for about 4 or 5 years. He, along with Charlie Germaine, made things so much fun in the office that I hated to go home on the weekends and couldn't wait to come back to work on Monday. I loved having philosophical conversations with Fred. It was indeed an honor to know Fred. My life has a big hole in it now. My condolences to Ardy and family. Ardy, we will keep in touch.

Shared by laura mader