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Photo of Anna Skala, nee Podest

Anna Skala, nee Podest

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My big sister, Annie, was the rock of the family! She was such a help with all the siblings and work to be done on the farm. She loved and respected our parents as seen in her obedience to them and God. She loved to pray the rosary and had an outstanding love for the Blessed Mother. Annie was a beautiful bride and i got the honor of being her flower girl. We are going to miss her dearly. May she rest in peace, Amen.

Shared by carol willson

Dear Joe, Fran and family. So sorry to hear aout your Mom. I always remember her walking past our house in Brookfield and enjoying "her boys". You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Godspeed and much love to all of you Bob and Kim Kopach

Shared by robert e. kopach