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Photo of Frederick R. Knaack

Frederick R. Knaack

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Condolences to Sue and family. Fred was such a genuine soul who was sweet and gentle to everyone. We miss all the socials we have done together, not to mention Bingo, Music Apreciation,etc. You will always be in our heart . Sleep well our friend.

Shared by jane and marva

I am so sorry to learn about the passing of your stepfather . It was so nice your mom had companionship and love .and was not alone . You are in my thoughts and prayers .❤️

Shared by jean stunkel

We are so sorry for your loss. Fred was such a good man - always had a smile and willing to help others. We have good memories of time spent with your family. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you both.

Shared by rich & kyla mennecke

Sue and Karen. So very sorry for your loss. He was an amazing man and will be missed here at KB. He always had a big smile for us all.

Shared by judy chester

Karen and Sue, You have been in my thoughts and prayers constantly. What an amazing man your Dad was with his service both to our country but also to his community as a fire fighter. 90 years is a milestone and I know that he was so loved and cared for by both of you. May the memories you have over the years fill your hearts with happiness and peace. Love, Lynn

Shared by lynn jewell

We are so sorry for your loss. We will always remember Fred from Nancy's annual Thanksgiving gathering. Great story teller & a sweet man. Sending prayers and hugs to both.

Shared by barb & bill baner

From your KB Terrace Level Staff We send you our deep condolences. We will miss our dear captain.

Shared by sheena

I am so sorry for your loss. Fred was a wonderful and funny man. My family met him through our Mom, Nancy. He will be greatly missed.

Shared by manette epright