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Photo of Gerhard R. Perthel

Gerhard R. Perthel

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All our love to you and your family. Dale & Karen Nelson, South Bend

Shared by dale & karen nelson

Dear Sister Perthel, Linda, Jean & James. I am sorry for your loss, but know that our Heavenly Father will give you all the strenth to carry during this time. We will will continue keep you in our prayers. Love Tony, Johniece & Brandon Tyler

Shared by johniece tyler

Dear Sis. Perthel, Linda, Jean, James & family: Words cannot express how sad we were to hear of the passing of our Dist. elder. We are praying that our Heavenly Father sends much peace and comfort to your hearts and provides much strength to sustain your souls during this time. We love you all and will keep you in our thoughts and prayers!

Shared by linda dillon and family

My DEAR Perthel family....I just want to send my sincere thoughts of love to you all at this time! I wish you peace, and comfort, during this time! I will send prayers as the Dist. Elder Perthel begins the new part of his journey......sending you all lots of love! Matt

Shared by matt dillon

Dear Joan and family: We are so sorry to hear about the passing of our dear friend. We love you all so much and remember you in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Steve and Wendy

Shared by steve and wendy veith